Prophecies of Year 2023
Year of Royal Comfort
Year of generational restoration
Year God will use enemy against enemy. (Monkey become goal keeper)
Year of another mini war.
Year of judgement for those have been tormenting children of God both physical and spiritual
Year of recognition and outstanding success
Year of shakeup for White House
Year of abundance for the Economy
Year of strange weather (tornado and rainfall)
Year of religion pollution. (Activate one world order)
Year of strange sickness. (Old may comeback)
Year of cashless society, more electronic means.
Year that America needs prayer so the dollar won’t be pulled down and not have value
Year America needs to pray against external and internal conflict
Year the Middle East will rise, alliance will be formed to takeover the world.
Year we need to pray another Pope will be taken or resign
Year of multiple marriages
Year of scandals. Serious scandal in mighty places.
Year that we need to pray for Pentecostal Spiritual fathers. Either be taken and secrets of who they really are being revealed.
Year of uniform infestation, military operation
Year to pray for Sierra Leone that democracy isn’t overtaken by military
Year of notable success for children of God
Year of manifestation of Psalm 23
Year that honey will come out of rock. Success from strange places
Year God will show Himself in Liberia.
Year of money. (Raise and wealth transfer)
Year of gate possession. (Good gate and gate of enemies)
Year that many wicked politicians will die mysteriously.
Year of evangelism. (Evangelize for God and you shall prosper)
Year of rising stars.
Year of great discovery in technology.
Year of natural disasters.
Year Zimbabwe glory shall be restored.
Year of breaking limits by anointing
Year of trade by barter. (Demonic exchange)
Year of internal confrontation in all American settings
Year of territory attacks.
Year of notable victories, uncommon speed, strength and royalty for children of God
Year multiple settlement
Year of royal scandal
For Recreation
Year of global recognition and outstanding success
Year of highway of testimonies
Year of effortless results
Year of all round positive congratulations
Year of announcement
Year of commissioning of good things
What do you do for they year to be your best year
Invest in Evangelism
Cry to God for anointing me power
Serve God in truth me in spirit
Be humble
Be a addicted giver
Fear God more than you fear man
Honor authority and those that have helped you
Be kingdom minded
Be ready to learn at all times
Runaway from anger
Ask God for gift of vision and dream